Hygiene and cleanliness are a part of the modern world.
Detergents and other active cleaning ingredients have played a major role in this development. As a result, being surrounded by a good-smelling environment now goes without saying. The nuances that make a certain perfume special are both a challenge and an incentive to us. In addition, we also offer a broad spectrum of ingredients for cleaning agents of all kinds.
Our focus in developing perfume oils in this area is on efficacy and stability, combined with the goal of adding a sense of freshness and cleanliness to your products.
In the process, we also allow room for creativity and development of special fragrance experiences. Our creative team leverages its knowledge about trends on the markets to create customized perfumes and concept ideas to meet your criteria. Especially when it comes to technologically challenging products, the goal is to create innovative, stable, and effective perfume oils for you within an attractive price range.
Raw materials
Our unique product matrix allows us to supply you with a large number of additional raw materials.
We carry large quantities of d-limonene, which is used as a basis for orange cleaning agents, along with colorants and emulsifiers, in stock as a standard practice. Plus, this is just a small selection of the many products we have in our assortment.