Using resources sustainably.
We don’t think in fiscal years – we think in generations. Increasing use of resources and the growing global population have prompted us to make sustainability a focus of everything we do. We harness and protect the power of nature, especially since we depend on it.

Climate protection
Christmas donation campaign for climate protection
In addition to our social commitment, we are supporting reforestation projects with our Christmas donation. This includes financing 10,000 trees in Nicaragua and Uganda.
In these win-win-win projects, we improve the climate worldwide, employ local farmers to grow the trees and, through the sustainable use of the forest, create an environment that is conducive to sustainable development. Basis of life on site. Here we're glad to help !
Inform yourself gladly under:
We routinely capture information on all of the energy we use, how far our employees travel, and other ways we consume resources and have an impact on the climate.
This means it is an easy matter for us to determine our company’s carbon footprint. In cooperation with myclimate, we have logged our emissions in a structured way and, starting in the 2014 fiscal year, now also compensate for them. That’s why today, we are rightly proud to say we have earned distinction as a climate-neutral business.

We cover the electricity demand, which we can’t provide via our own solar plant, from “Bürgerwerke eG”.
This is the sales company of 70 regional energy cooperatives. Instead of dubious certificate-trading, we believe in green electricity without "ifs" and "buts", of citizens for citizens ... and of course also for the industry!

100 % Biogas
Renewable energy is undoubtedly the foundation of the energy system of the future.
We want to keep our emissions to a minimum and have therefore been using renewable natural gas only from biomass since 2019.

Insect protection
We review and assess our impact on nature and the environment consistently as part of all our modernization or expansion activities.
With this in mind, it is a matter of course for us to look into how our exterior lighting affects insects that are active at night. LED lights are relatively friendly to insects. The light they give off is very limited and almost nonexistent at the wavelengths to which insects’ eyes are especially sensitive. That means this technology is our first choice when it comes to new construction and modernization activities.

Bird protection
We take special care to protect birds on our plant grounds.
As part of our sustainability initiative, we have reviewed all of the glass surfaces in our existing facilities and equipped the exposed areas with bird stickers – highly transparent markings to protect birds. When we build new facilities, we assess the glass surfaces and decide what kinds of protective measures are appropriate based on the situation. These might include a printed pattern, anti-reflective glass, or special bird protection glass.

Water protection
We take responsibility in all areas both inside our business facilities and on the plant grounds.
We do not simply allow rainwater to flow into the sewer system, but have instead put a number of different initiatives into place. Roof greening, ecological water retention systems, and drainage wells help to minimize peak flows of rainwater into the sewer and water treatment systems.

Sustainable bank
To us, sustainability is not just a marketing tool – it is part of the holistic way we do business.
That means it is only logical for us to partner with GLS Bank. Founded in 1974, GLS Bank was the first financial service provider to work according to social and ecological principles. Today, it is regularly chosen as the bank of the year, far ahead of its competitors. This is also a perfect fit because the bank is organized as a cooperative.
Many people acting together can accomplish what one of us cannot do alone!